Raspberry Pi 3 Workshop

18:30 – 20:30 04-05-2016
Ballarat Hackerspace, Ballarat

An Introduction To Hacking

Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It can be used as a standalone computer, in electronics projects, games, and can also play HD video as a media center. In this workshop, you'll learn the details about what exactly the Raspberry Pi is, what hardware and software are included, how to get one up and running, how to interact with the Linux command line interface, how to write your first program for it, and how to get it to interact with a web service on the Internet.

Whether you're a software or hardware developer, maker, product manager, designer, technologist, or entrepreneur, this class will be incredibly useful to those interested in learning more about this amazing hardware.

This four-week workshop, aimed at the novice hacker, covers topics including:

  • Programming with Python
  • Connecting the Pi to the outside world
  • Controlling circuits with code
  • Temperature sensing
  • Taking photos and videos automatically


4 week course, Raspberry Pi 3, all materials to make the circuits Sale Ended
BYO Raspberry PI Sale Ended